Genetic Narratology

The study of the logic, principles, and practices of narrative representation (narratology) usually analyses stories in their published form. This workshop investigates how we can combine this discipline with genetic criticism, which studies the dynamics of writing processes. How can we employ the gradual production process of a story to understand the product? How can the disciplines of narrative analysis and genetic criticism mutually enrich each other? That is what we will explore in this workshop on ‘genetic narratology’.

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Preliminary programme:

Thursday, 23 February 2023


Welcome (Dirk Van Hulle)

Karin Kukkonen (University of Oslo), Manuscript and Material Agency: Shaping Time and Space on Paper

Friday, 24 February 2023


Lars Bernaerts (Ghent University), Genetic Narratology and the Cycle across Versions

Dirk Van Hulle (University of Oxford), ‘I’ll tell you. No, I’ll tell you nothing’: Genetic Narratology and the Allure of the Untold


coffee break


Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Narratology and Scholarly Editing: Some Remarks on an Almost Unknown Relationship

Matthias Grüne (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Genesis in a Snapshot: A Close Reading of a Story Outline of Theodor Fontane’s Novel Die Poggenpuhls as a Test Case for Genetic Narratology


short break


Luc Herman (University of Antwerp), Also for Irony: Historical Realism and the Move of a Chapter for the Final Version of V. by Thomas Pynchon

Vincent Neyt (University of Antwerp), The Rhythm Is Gonna Get You: How Stephen King Enhances Suspense Across Versions in IT


lunch break


Pim Verhulst (University of Oxford), Genetic Audionarratology: Samuel Beckett’s Radio Play Cascando and the ‘Unnarratable’ 

Lamyk Bekius (University of Antwerp), Nanogenetic Narratology: Where Narratology Meets Keystroke Logging Data


closing words and expected end

g e n e t i c n a r r a t o l o g y workshop programme