Oxford Centre for Textual Editing and Theory : All Pages
Modernising: a conference
Variants: a conference
Matthew Arnold
Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts
Material Texts in Early Modern England
James Joyce's 'Work in Progress'
From Restorer to Editor: The Evolution of Lewis Theobald's Textual Critical Practice
Reading English Verse in Manuscript c.1350-c.1500
William Empson: Some Versions of Pastoral
OCTET Lectures
Jane Austen's Teenage Writings
Scribal Correction and Literary Craft: English Manuscripts 1375-1510
Modern Manuscripts
Gulliver's Travels
The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project series
James Joyce’s Unpublished Letters: A Digital Edition
James Joyce’s Digital Library
Textual Awareness: A Genetic Study of Late Manuscripts by Joyce, Proust, and Mann
OCTET members
Professor Hannah Sullivan
Professor Ros Ballaster
Dr Ben Higgins
Dr Daniel Sawyer
Professor Kathryn Sutherland
Dr Michael J Sullivan
Dr Lynn Robson
Steering Committee
Advisory Board
Professor Dirk Van Hulle
‘Digital Editions Live’ – Workshop
Brian M. Moore
Professor Daniel Wakelin
Professor Peter D McDonald
Professor David Womersley
Crochet Castle
Journal to Stella
Night and Day
Scouting for Boys
Digby Poems
The Norton Critical Edition of Wordsworth's Poetry and Prose
Sense and Sensibility
The Complete Sonnets and Poems
The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne
The Complete Works of John Milton
The Old English and Anglo-Latin Riddle Tradition
Correspondence with Aaron Hill and the Hill Family
Inscription: a new journal for the study of material texts
Redesigning the Medieval Book - workshops
An Introduction to Digital Scholarly Editing
Elements of Beckett Studies launch: a colloquium in honour of Rosemary Pountney
Beckett Digital Manuscript Project Workshop
Editing Beckett: Towards a Bilingual Digital Genetic Edition of Samuel Beckett’s Works
Professor Nicholas Halmi
The Italian Tradition of Authorial Philology and Variant Criticism
Colloquium on Writers' Libraries
Genesis 2022: Creative Revision
ESTS 2022: Histories of the Holograph
Professor Tara Stubbs
Genetic Criticism
‘Editing Beckett’ research project awarded AHRC funding
90% of medieval English heroic or chivalric stories lost, according to research by team including English Faculty members
Intimations of Postmortality: The Genetic Dossier of Samuel Beckett’s Watt and Its Romantic Residues
Stephen King’s IT From First Draft to First Edition: A Look at the Many Documents Produced Along the Way
Unlocking Digital Texts Workshop
Editing and Digitising Marginalia
Dr Rachel Bryan
Professor Emma Smith
Professor Pamela Clemit
Digital Keys to Invisible Texts
Genetic Narratology
ICLA-CHLEL Conference 2023: Lived Experience and Literary History
What is a Text?
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Digital Scholarly Editing of Born-Digital Texts: Why and How?
Oxford Centre for Textual Editing and Theory: Use of cookies on this website
Write Cut Rewrite
Write Cut Rewrite: The Cutting Room Floor of Modern Literature
Towards a dynamic edition: making Kafka's writing process accessible to a general audience
Marginalia and Writers’ Libraries: Between Reading and Writing
Reading Behind the Lines: Ghost Texts & Spectral Imaging in Modern Literary Manuscripts
Lost in Publication: Epigenesis and the Identification of Relocated Text
DRAFTS: A Roundtable
A Comparative History of the Literary Draft in Europe
Genetic Narratology